Tuesday, August 02, 2005
One of those days
Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't care? About everything. I don't care about working. I don't care if I got fired tomorrow. (I would care big time when the bills started piling up.) I just am in a funk that last week I attributed to PMS but that train done left the station, ok? I mean, I am on the last day of my period and I still feel this way??? Come on. So that leads me to believe that I am just in the middle of a major funk. The last thing I want to do is work. I just want to stay home, in bed and watch bad tv. However, that can't occur. I am about ready to scream. Even when I am asked to perform the simplest task at work, I resent it. What is wrong with me? Am I on the verge of depression? I mean, the symptoms are all there - major fatigue, a total lack of interest in ANYTHING, etc. I am not sure what to do for myself or for those I am undoubtedly making miserable around me. It's not fun. Help please.Elizabeth at 4:00 PM
- at 7:18 PM Random and Odd said...
Yeah...exactly what Spoony said.
- at 7:58 PM said...
I get that way every so often too....just miserable for no good reason and bored and aggrevated with everything.
Ride it out, hopefully it will pass......- at 6:04 AM Danielle said...
Yes!! Every day. I think I need medication. lol Seriously some times people/work/things will suck the life right out a person!!
- at 4:11 PM MsPerdie said...
I wish i had some words of encouragement, but unfortunately, I don't. I'm in the same damn mood as you... not good, cuz I have SO much shit to do... we'll get past it, though, always do.. maybe I can cheer you up with my last post... it's funny...
- at 9:40 PM Spurious Nurse said...
I notice the word 'work' coming up a lot...Maybe you need to have the 'stop-tap-dancing-on-my-last-nerve
-with-golf-cleats' talk with some folks at the workplace.
If it keeps sucking, it may be time to look for another job, maybe?- at 9:43 AM Vajana said...
i agree with SP, you had mentioned the job you have was sucking the life out of you, maybe that is the answer? I know in my case it's the fact that summer is almost over, and it's too HOT to enjoy the last days of it. Hope you get to feeling better soon!