Saturday, November 05, 2005
Jingles of days gone by
Am I the only person who remembers the commercial that used to air during Saturday morning cartoons that was about cheese? I am reminded of it every time I eat a piece of cheddar cheese.I hanker for a hunk of,
A slab, a slice, or chunk of
I hanker for a hunk
Of cheese!!!
Every time I break into this song while eating cheese, my husband looks at me like "Really? I married you on purpose, huh? Mmmmmmkay."
Elizabeth at 8:03 PM
- at 9:09 PM Kami said...
Um, um, um. Hmmm...
- at 11:23 PM Unknown said...
That commercial was either before my time watching Saturday morning cartoons—or, more than likely, well after my time!
- at 6:06 AM Caroline said...
Cheeeeeeeese...- at 8:30 AM Mary said...
I do remember that one, now that you bring it up. The one that comes back to me all the time is the Oscar Meyer Weiner song. :)
- at 8:42 AM Sherriatric said...
I remember that one, and I sing it all the damn time!
And I get bewildered, somewhat annoyed looks from my friends when I do.- at 10:16 PM Candy said...
Oh I totally remember that, we have the school house rock songs on cd here as well.
- at 11:18 PM Nap Queen said...
Okay, I don't remember that one, but I did sit down and eat a huge hunk of cheese right out of the package today. Does that count for something?
- at 7:36 AM Danielle said...
gurl i dont remember that at all!
- at 1:53 PM Random and Odd said...
*TACKLE HUG!* yay! someone else that knows that songs and wouldn't think I was crazy for singing it everytime I get the cheese out!!
YAY! Finally....I have been validated.- at 2:36 PM Torrie said...
You're a nut job.