Sunday, December 18, 2005
Movie review
So last night I somehow did not pass out at 10 PM like usual and was able to get all comfy and snug in bed to watch a flick. Sometimes when my movie picks come to me from Netflix, I wonder where my head was exactly when I read the synopsis of the movie. This was one of those but I decided to give it a shot. The title is "Tiptoes" and it starred Matthew McConaughey, Kate Beckinsdale and Gary Oldham. Sounds like a winner based on cast I think. Basically Matthew and Kate were a couple on their way to getting married when she reveals that she is probably pregnant and he reacts somewhat unreasonably. One might figure he was just being a regular male afraid the world will not continue to revolve around him and his penis, but no. He has a legitimate concern being that his family are all dwarves and that condition is genetic despite Matthew being normal sized. Oh yeah, you read that right. Gary Oldham plays his brother who happens to be his twin but shrunken down. Y'all, it was just odd. I was almost sorta transfixed by this movie. I won't ruin how the flick turns out just on the off chance that you might want to rent it one night out of curiousity. Overall I liked it but it was definitely out there. Please bear in mind that I could have enjoyed it just because I got to look at Matthew for 90 solid minutes. That definitely would color things. The drawf dad was played by the man by the dude who was in Twin Peaks. Does anyone remember that show? It was so strange but I LOVED it. Truly. I love bizaro shit like that.Right now I am sitting watching "You've Got Mail" for the 500th time at least. Any time it's on TBS, I stop and watch the whole damn thing. It's a classic. Meg Ryan before she got Botox crazy. Now the woman just looks insane. If anyone wants their girl next door image of Meg Ryan blown right to bits, rent "In the Cut." Just an odd movie where you see Meg in her all together several times. It was too much for me.
OK, I'm off to look through the newspaper in a vain effort to find good deals even though I will not shop until after Christmas because the stores are insane unless you are a glutton for punishment. I am clearly not. I shall avoid all stores until I hit the after Christmas sales in Phoenix. I can finally go to Kohls. Be still my beating heart.
Elizabeth at 10:53 AM
- at 2:49 PM Tammy said...
I think I could fight through it to see Matthew for 90 minutes. So, totally worth it!
- at 7:06 PM Unknown said...
I suppose it is the season for movies! Last night I saw Narnia at a theater—the first movie other than DVDs that I’ve watched in months.
- at 9:40 PM Mama Duck said...
OMG, dwarves?
What will Hollywood think of next?
That is TOTALLY the kind of movie Sugar Daddy would pick up which is why he has been banned from selecting our movies.- at 11:58 PM said...
It is such a shame that Meg Ryan has gone the way she has. I thought she was much better than all that hollywood stuff. Oh well. The last thing I saw her in was Against the Ropes and it was just awful. Thank you for confirming the botox for me. I just thought my eyes were going funny. She does look horrible. I used to watch Sleepless in Seattle over and over and I loved her in French Kiss. I have never seen You've Got Mail. I will have to check it out as I could not stand to see her in anything new. Happy Movie Watching and Merry Christmas.
- at 10:39 AM Danielle said...
never heard of that movie
- at 10:39 AM Danielle said...
i am not gonna be around much today but just wanted to say happy monday!!!
- at 11:23 AM Shari said...
Sometimes Gary Oldman can be very sexy..but I sure wouldn't be staring at him in the movie....I bet Matthew was HOT!! :)
- at 11:47 AM Tink said...
Wow... Is it strange that you've made me want to run out and rent that? LOL I'm not really a good judge though. I once picked up "Redneck Zombies" and seriously considered buying it for a lark.
- at 1:43 PM Nap Queen said...
OMG, I watched You've Got Mail on TBS on Sunday, too. I just love dorky romantic comedies. Could watch them all day long.
That MM/dwarf movie sounds like something I would like. I'll have to check it out!- at 7:10 PM said...
I watched "In the Cut" I was surprised, but I loved it. It showed a different side to both Mark Ruffalo, whom I would spend 90 minutes on, and Meg Ryan, because I have never liked all her cutesy fartsy roles. Anyway thats just my opinion. I just started reading your blog, btw, veddy intedesting!