Monday, December 12, 2005
Please get over yourself

Dear O,
I could not be more over you. I used to be a big devotee following your sage advice for years. I am not sure at what point you became your own religion, but it is so ridiculous. Generousity is great if it is heartfelt and does not need to be broadcast to all the housewives in America while you kill yourself patting yourself on the back. The straw that broke the camel's back was when you felt the need to tell the world that you not only are taking your staff to Hawaii but their families as well. That's lovely but why the need to brag on tv about it? I will probably never watch you again. Not that you care.
Elizabeth at 9:28 PM
- at 10:17 PM Kami said...
- at 1:39 AM Carie said...
to true...I used to love to watch her, try to tke her advice...but somewhere along the way she became all about her and her bank sad
- at 3:51 AM MilkMaid said...
She's kinda like Martha for me, I still watch, looking for the old parts of her that I've always liked. But there are many days I flip the channel on her. When she flipped out about 'her people' in New Orleans was a BIG channel flip for me. What about the rest of the people? And where the hell was she before HER PEOPLE had the TV cameras in their faces..grrr...
- at 9:31 AM Tink said...
Oprah killed it for me when she waged war against the Hermes store in Paris for refusing to let her in. Despite the fact that they were closed, she insisted it must be a race issue. *Groan* If she'd only knock the God complex I might actually be able to stomach her again.
- at 9:36 AM Tammy said...
Amen, sister. She has always gotten on my nerves with her self-serving ways. I liked her in her Color Purple days. Not so much lately.
- at 9:49 AM Katie said...
I used to love Oprah, back when I was a young teenager going through the regular teenage angst - I remember reading the first book in her famed Book Club - Song of Solomon. That was still a point where she was a regular human being, just wanting to get people to read books. Then she got so stuck on herself. I think what really did it for me was her stupid magazine wherein every issue has a picture of HER on the front cover. And whenever she does a good deed, she has to broadcast it to everyone. Like here in Houston, she brought all these poor kids from the ghetto to Disney World - she had to make a HUGE to-do about that. Just do nice things and shut up about it!
- at 1:11 PM Klop said...
oprah is a disease.
jerry springer is the cure.