Tuesday, January 17, 2006
She just slays me
On top of the cabinets in my garage.
"Mama, had you not brought all these other animals into the house, I would not be forced to do such things."
Elizabeth at 6:25 PM
- at 7:09 PM said...
"I will rule the world from atop my throne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- at 7:29 PM said...
OMG too funny! How did she get up there? Oh, nevermind. I'm a new kitten mom, I understand.
- at 8:20 PM Renee said...
What a cutie she is..I think I almost have my hubby convinced to get a cat!!YIPEEEE
- at 9:40 PM Tammy said...
Some people don't like cats. I think its because they don't understand them. They crack my shit right up.
- at 9:37 AM Sheila said...
- at 10:34 AM Blessed & Cursed said...
What a sweet baby! I sometimes wish I could hide from the world like that....lol!
- at 10:18 PM Charm Bracelet said...
What a life! When I die, I want to come back as one of your cats.