Monday, August 28, 2006
Book #42 - Degunking your personal finances
OK, before Tammy has a stroke, I did not read this book in a day. LOL. I have been reading bits and pieces and putting its steps into my life for months now. I just now finished it today. It was a great book. It speaks to you like you are somewhere between financially ignorant and a CPA. It does not insult your intelligence, but assumes that you may have made some sometimes dumb and costly mistakes. We all have, right? This book helps to put you on the right track, shows you how to set up a budget, figure out what is coming in and going out, helps track your investments whether they be as simple as a 401(k) at work or if you have a wide portfolio that would rival Gordon Gecko. I would recommend this to just about anyone. Even if you have your shit pretty well together, this book can help you in some way. However, if you are like I used to be (a fucking wreck on the financial front), then run, don't walk and go get this book. Or better yet, email me and I'll send you my copy. Enjoy!!!Elizabeth at 3:33 PM
- at 4:48 PM Monogram Queen said...
LMAO at Shell. Now that's a way to save money!
- at 5:36 PM Terri said...
Thanks for the suggestions. Hubby and I could use this book in the worst way. Our spending habits are terrible. Thank you!!
- at 9:00 PM Pissy Britches said...
I would love to read it.
Gonna have to check that out.
I am OK with finances..lucky husband pays it all.
The 1st husband was clueless and I was clueless so we got in a little bit of a mess...luckily that shit is over.- at 10:46 PM Melanie said...
Hmmm. We are getting more back on track but I seem to have a spending "issue" lately. This is not helping my "want" to go part time to spend more time with my kid. I should look into this book. If you haven't pimped it out to someone already I'll take it :)
- at 10:07 AM Tammy said...
I can't read self-help books like that. My eyes glaze over and I get Tired Head.
I am, however, currently enjoying the Revenge of the Kudzu Debutantes.