Sunday, October 22, 2006
A PSA since they are so popular
To the fucktard who deigns to visit the trampy teenage girl across the street,You drive an S-10. An S fucking 10. And you are a suburban white boy. Not Tupac. AND this is not the lower 9th ward (what all of you were looking at on the news that got the shit flooded out of it).
So guess what, fucknut?
The thumping??? The incredibly loud, vibrates my entire house, is so fucking loud that I can not hear the dictation I am trying to transcribe in the back bedroom, really God damn fucking annoying thumping?
Yeah, you can quit that shit any any God damn time. Seriously, you can. It won't hurt your "street cred."
Know why?
You have none.
Fucking Big Ben just got hurt. Damn Atlanta. I hate them. Of course, they got a shitten ton of our piece of shit evacuees, so neener neener.
(Sorry Houston....smooches.)
Elizabeth at 3:11 PM
- at 6:56 PM Wendy aka Cheeky said...
So tell us how you really feel....hehe
- at 9:54 AM Kami said...
LMAO at Shell!!
- at 9:55 AM Monogram Queen said...
Good PSA! Wiggers annoy the @#$% out of me.
- at 9:55 AM Monogram Queen said...
Good PSA! Wiggers annoy the @#$% out of me.
- at 11:15 AM Tammy said...
OMG. I so hate that damn thumping. It's always the wannabe white boys too. Look, dude: M&M, you ain't!
- at 11:15 AM Tammy said...
Or Eminem. Whatever.
- at 11:34 AM Kate Giovinco Photography said...
Oh so very annoying! You just look retarded when you are a wanna be! RETARDED and very annoying to me!
- at 2:25 PM Unknown said...
I fucking hate that....more than anything.
Bass is my BIGGEST pet peeve. There are some towns that have noise polution laws and asshats like that can get ticketed and fined.- at 2:37 PM Kat said...
Gah that annoys the crap out of me. try living in an apartment complex where they don't just keep their stupid cars thumping but feel the need to drag race through the parking lot. :P
- at 3:44 PM Lori said...
AMEN! We've got plenty of the suburban white-boy wannabeee's like that too.
- at 5:40 PM Platypus said...
You tell him sweetie! I HATE that thumping - and over here it's even more pathetic because it's usually some 17 year-old in a Ford Fiesta (tiny girl car!) with a spoiler added on the back, coloured alloy wheels and screen washers that glow in the dark in neon blue! Idiots!
- at 8:09 PM Nap Queen said...
Amen!!! I hate any kind of bassing or trying to be cool in your car/truck, etc. It's just lame and stupid and it makes me SUPER pissed off if it wakes me up.