Thursday, November 09, 2006
OK, I love my job, right? I sit and listen to doctors say all this cool stuff and sometimes really sad stuff about these people that I don't know. And there is no office politics because my office consists of me and while I can be a bitch sometimes, I am rarely a bitch to myself.Well, this chick I work with kept telling me to look out for this one doctor. In her very PC way, she said "Oh, you know, I think he is like maybe (whispers) Asian." She also is in her home working so why she was whispering Asian like that is beyond me. Anyways, I just got to him.
Holy Eggroll, Batman. He was giving the diagnosis of this wee baby and he tried to say gastroesophageal reflux disease. Bless his heart. It came out more like gassoooooooooesophagrill weefwux dirrease.
I have half a mind to email the PC chick and go "You know, I noticed no accent. I think the fact that you assumed he was a gook was just WRONG. Now you go think about that and get back to me when you become more tolerant. Also, my husband is (whispering) part gook, so please don't slam them. Just because they can't drive. Or say their R's."
I fucking slay me.
Labels: Work
Elizabeth at 4:15 PM
- at 5:15 PM Terri said...
ROFLMAO!!! Oh I can so relate to that post. TOO FUCKING FUNNY!!!
- at 5:19 PM Pissy Britches said...
You hooker.
You are crazy.
How can I gets me a job likes yours?- at 5:47 PM Rhonda said...
You crack me up!
- at 10:23 PM Kami said...
You are so bad.
- at 10:11 AM Tammy said...
You should totally do it. :)
- at 2:22 PM Unknown said...
This reminds me of the Chinese waiters in A Christmas Story..."Deck the halls with boughs of horry, ra ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra."
Funny shit, my friend.- at 11:42 AM Sheri & SuZan said...
You fucking slay me too!