Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Hormone roller coaster of an emotional neurotic
It's been a relatively ho hum week with not much to report. As you all know, I have no life so unless I sit here and go into great detail of the horror that is American Idol, there ain't much to say. I don't guess we are doing SPF this week, so that's one thing to cross off my incredibly short list.Last night I did have my class up at church though. It was on marriage and what the church views marriage as and what its importance is. Now y'all know that I had many reservations about starting this whole RCIA process months ago and until now, I have been pleasantly surprised at the lack of judgment I have encountered.
Yeah, until last night.
Duuuuuuude, what the fuck? I was hardly surprised when they made a big stink about a marriage being between one man and one woman because you would pretty much have to be clueless to not know that most religions feel that way. I happen to disagree, but que sera, sera. I did not get my big granny panties in a wad until we watched the video. We watch these videos of this man whose very voice makes my teeth hurt. He launches into the marriage debate going through the whys and wherefores of everything we had pretty much covered. However, he used the following illustration of why exactly it (it being marriage) needed to be between one man and one woman. I am using quote marks here but this is not a direct word for word summation. However, the very last part is verbatim.
"Well, you see, men and women are physiologically different. Now, I am probably going to get in trouble with some of the feminists here (insert self deprecating chuckle here) but that is just the way it is. We need each other to counterbalance parts of ourselves. We make each other whole. I mean, imagine a world of all men. It would be barbaric with very little feeling or emotion behind any of the decisions being made. And women need men because without them to counterbalance their delicate constitutions, they would all be emotional neurotics."
Blink blink.
Dude, really? You seriously said that? Before I could even control my outward reaction, I literally laughed so hard that I snorted. I'm sure the hubs was horrified that his feminazi wife just snorted at a priest whether he was on video tape or not. But I did. And I would again.
Emotional neurotic, padre? Oh, you have NO idea.
However, until you (a) can touch boobies, (b) can do the hibbidy bibbidy to the body attached to said boobies, (c) entertain the notion of marrying the body with the boobies, and finally (d) leave this earth with your face buried between those same boobies, do NOT talk to me about the physiology of a woman. You don't live with us. You can never understand the inner workings of the female mind. Hell, my hubs does live with one of those aforementioned emotional neurotics and HE does not have a damn clue. I give mad props for those men who do enter the priesthood because to do so is a sacrifice that I could never begin to understand. However, know your place. You are NOT a psychologist. You are not even a marriage counselor, dude. I realize that the church recommends and even requires, I believe, marriage counselling given by a priest and I call bullshit on that one. That would be like me giving advice on how to be a size 2 or how to not go ape shit in traffic.
I won't even go into the part where Fr. New Guy said that in the midst of premarital counselling, if the couple indicated that they would exclude children as part of their family throughout the course of their marriage, that would raise a "serious red flag." Yeah, that is another story for another time. The hole in my tongue from me biting down like an epileptic mid-seizure is a big one, my friends.
All of that being said, I am not so discouraged that I will stop going. I am totally okay with disagreeing with church doctrine and even with my own parish priest. This is a journey for me - I get that. I am just trying to find my own voice in all of this. Maybe I will be good for these people. I seemed to be the only one who was a little put off from the marriage chat. Maybe I can make someone see that gay people are not all freaks who "chose their deviant lifestyle." Maybe someone will agree that the choice of having or not having children is a distinctly personal one made between a husband and wife with the church staying the fuck out of it. Or maybe one day in class I will snort too loudly and they will try to exorcise out my demons.
Good luck on that one, I say. Those bitches run deep.
Elizabeth at 8:33 PM
- at 10:12 PM Unknown said...
First bitches!
- at 10:14 PM Unknown said... then...
(whistles and looks around) Ummmm, yeah, not sure where to start with this but these issues are buried deep in my five-section notebook on why I have issues with organized religion.
I think it's commendable that you attend these classes while keeping your personal beliefs sacred. It's a nice blend and balance...- at 8:35 AM Sheri & SuZan said...
WOW...I am surprised that he said that! I think I have the same issues as TKW and things like this just reinforce that.
- at 9:08 AM Me said...
Although the choice of words may be hard to take, I do think men and women work together to make the whole ying/yang thing....
blah blah blah.
But I really just wanted to comment that there are conservitive Catholic Churches and Liberal Catholic Churches. I would suggest, perhaps, finding a nice liberal Catholic Church after you convert. You know, to keep your blood pressure on track. LOL.
;)- at 9:26 AM Dixie said...
Just another example of why I don't believe in organized religion and go to church.
- at 10:37 AM louisiana swamp rat said...
And that is exactly why I don't live in my lovely home state of Louisiana anymore (being one of those who chose a "devient lifestyle"). The wife and I knew we couldn't raise our son there, especially if we wanted him to have a liberal bone in his body.
Kudos to you for making it through the video!- at 1:44 PM Unknown said...
Uhhh yeah
Well *cough*
ok then!- at 3:33 PM Kat said...
Well, see now, seeing as how there are sooooo many unfit parents in the first place, I don't see where this should be encouraged to people who don't see that being part of their life.
My dad was raised Catholic and said it always bothered him that someone who doesn't truly know the complexities of marital problems or sex would be giving him advice. He has since converted.
I'm not attacking the religion per say, but I've got my own issues with organized religion and wish more people could (forgive the cliche) 'think outside the box'- at 3:36 PM Kat said...
Oh yeah - make sure you watch trading spouses on Fox tonight - total 'God Warrior' lady who was on it before. I bet you and her could be BFFs and watch American Idol together. :P hahahahaha
- at 3:55 PM Wendy aka Cheeky said...
Can I be the poster child for the emotionally neurotic?? LMAO kidding kidding....
I agree with TKW - glad you are able to keep your personal beliefs....- at 4:50 PM Kami said...
- at 8:57 PM Lori said...
I totally would have snorted with you.
- at 9:42 PM Fabnormal said...
ooh girl, I wish I was in YOUR RCIA class.
- at 10:46 PM Kate Giovinco Photography said...
Girl dont even get me started on organized religion! I beat to my own drum when it comes to religion I take what I want from it because if not I would just be pissed off all the time!
- at 10:58 AM Bella said...
Live & let live I say. I might have had a stroke sitting there trying to keep my mouth shut.
- at 3:54 PM Lucky Lum said...
while emotionally neurotic may be used to describe me, it's an insult to call all women that way
and hello? I'm half emotionally retarded and neurotic BECAUSE of MAN!- at 11:25 AM Monogram Queen said...
I am sure I would have snorted and laughed right along with you. Remind me to never sit next to you in chuch m'kay cos' we're gonna get called down. Count on it!
- at 10:31 AM Unknown said...
Dude, you KNOW how religious and conservative I am, and I STILL would have snorted right with you on that video. Emotional neurotics??? EXCUSE ME? I think I'm with you on not taking marriage advice from a priest. While I do think he's right on the "men and women compliment each other" thing, and I don't really agree with gay marriage, I still would've spoken my distaste for that video in that class. Oh yeah, and just cuz I'm not in favor of gay marriage doesn't mean I think gays are freaks or whatever. Seriously.
- at 11:34 AM Kevin - "pax tecum" said...
SFG...Talk to your priest..pray for humility...and trust in the Lord.